Engagement Ring Advice
Commissioning a bespoke engagement ring can seem like a daunting idea at first, but think of it this way, it's your opportunity to make the ultimate romantic statement.
You're acknowledging your partner's individuality by wanting to create something special just for them.
What better way than this, to commemorate the start of your life together?
Consider Getting Some Help

If it is an option, you could enlist the help of a trusted mutual friend or family member to get all kinds of inside information. They may already have info on what your partner would like to have in a ring, and they could be a great source of support throughout the process.
The kind of info your support system could provide you:
Once your stones have been selected, we can begin designing around them. Using CAD technology we will create a series of 3D renders, showing the design to you from every angle. You will have unlimited opportunity to customize and tweak every element of the design until we have something you will be happy to approve for production.
Maybe they have similar sized hands or have worn your partner's jewellery before, or they could help you subtly find out your partner’s ring size. It may not be 100% accurate but it's always nice to have an educated guess, as it would then be more likely that the ring can go on when you propose!
Don’t worry too much if you can’t figure out the size. We include 1 free resize with every purchase.
They may be able to give you a different perspective on what your partner's likes and dislikes are when it comes to jewellery and style. They may have similar tastes, which you can use to your benefit during the bespoke process.
Look for Clues

It may be worth checking your partner’s instagram or pinterest if possible, to see if they have recently saved, liked, or pinned any rings.
instead of breaking into their account and risk getting caught... just go on a jeweller's instagram and see whether your partner follows them, with a bit of digging around you can usually find out in just a couple of clicks, what they have 'liked' or commented on.
Be Observant

Pay attention to what your other half tends to wear, accessories wise, on a day to day basis. Do they seem to prefer certain metal colours over another?
Do they seem to only wear things that are silver? Or maybe they only ever wear gold accessories?
This usually indicates a personal preference for that metal, which would make it more likely that they would also like to have their engagement ring in that colour.
This usually indicates a personal preference for that metal, which would make it more likely that they would also like to have their engagement ring in that colour.
Platinum is also another classic choice, popular in traditional engagement rings.
Skin tone could also be a consideration when choosing a metal colour. Yellow gold and white gold, as well as platinum, will tend to be more versatile. Rose gold is more tricky because people tend to love them or leave them. So unless you've seen them wear this colour before, or know that they particularly love rose gold rings, it's perhaps more of a risk to go for that.
Were there any hints ?

Think back to past conversations, maybe she had mentioned something in passing, or pointed something out to you online or at a store?
Did any of your friends or family recently get engaged?
What was your partner’s reaction to the ring at the time?
Next time you’re out shopping on the high street casually pass by a jewellery shop window and see if a conversation starts naturally.
What Gemstones would they prefer ?

A diamond is naturally the expected choice for an engagement ring, but there are just as many people out there who would rather have a ring with a coloured centre stone
Do you know if they would prefer a ring with just one single stone (also known as a solitaire), or would they prefer something with multiple stones?
Are coloured stones more their thing? Or would a classic white diamond be the way forward?
Don’t worry too much
if you don't have all the answers...
Because that's what we're here for! All of the above are just guides to start you thinking about what might or might not work for your partner. It always helps to come in prepared with a basic idea of what you may want to have made, but ultimately it's our job to suggest and provide the designs.